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Channel 5 : Special Idents 2013
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Neighbours 'Explosion' ident promoting a special episode on 16th April 2013.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

16secNeighbours 'Explosion' ident
Neighbours ident from Summer 2013.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

17secNeighbours ident
Big Brother 2013
Big Brother 2013 ident.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

17secBig Brother 2013 ident
Big Brother 2013 Hashtag ident.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

18secBig Brother 2013 Hashtag ident
Celebrity Big Brother ident.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

18secCelebrity Big Brother 2013 ident
'Drama on 5' ident from August 2013.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

18secDrama on 5 ident
Power Rangers-themed ident to introduced children's programming.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

17secPower Rangers ident
Ident supporting the NHS England and NHS Wales campaign to help people quit smoking - Stoptober.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

22secStoptober ident
Ident used to introduce an evening of programmes on Friday 13th December 2013, dedicated to forty years of the music group ABBA.
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5
Channel 5

HD18secABBA @ 40 ident
Home > Paramount > 5 > 2011-2016 > Special Idents 2013

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