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BBC Scotland : 2019 Miscellaneous Presentation
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Introduced 8th April 2020, a short 'blip' derived from the Raindrops ident.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD6secRaindrops blip
Butterflies blip. (Okay, there is only one butterfly in this!)
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD6secButterflies blip
Cobblestones blip.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD6secCobblestones blip
Birds blip.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD6secBirds blip
Trailer graphics.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Trailer graphics.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Trailer graphics.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Trailer graphics.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Next and Later.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Next and Later.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Next and Later.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
Introduction to Sign Zone programme (Blue)
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD13secSign Zone (Blue)
Introduction to Sign Zone programme (Green)
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD13secSign Zone (Green)
Clock intros into the channel's news offerings - 'The Seven' and 'The Nine'.
Clock intros from the channel's first few days in 2019.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD20secClock into 'The Seven' (2019)
HD17secClock into 'The Nine' (2019)
Clock intros from April 2021 showing a different angle, and lighting changes.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD18secClock into 'The Seven' (2021)
HD14secClock into 'The Nine' (2021)
Three-minute countdown to the launch of the BBC Scotland channel at 7pm Sunday 24th February 2019.
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland
BBC Scotland

HD185secLaunch countdown
Home > BBC > BBC Scotland > 2019 Miscellaneous

2021 Idents
2021 Presentation
2019 Idents
2019 Miscellaneous
Christmas 2021 to 2024
Christmas 2019 to 2020