MEGA Guide


Front Page


Station Guides

Local Stations


2000 Today

MEGATEXT used to be the most comprehensive of the teletext services, but it has been severely cut back over the past year. Covering several different topics with its clean and clear design, MEGATEXT broadcast the majority of its pages with Latin characters, though a substantial part was with Greek characters. Since March 3rd 2001, however, only Greek has been used. As a consequence, 'News in English' was the first casualty. In a further reduction of service on November 1st 2001, MEGATEXT is now limited to broadcasting just MEGA's programme schedule and the pages from the Athens Stock Exchange.

MEGA P100 (4K)  
For a while before November 1st 2001, MEGATEXT's front page warned viewers of the impending reduction in service.

ATTENTION: from 1/11/2001 MEGATEXT will broadcast the following
1. The station's schedule
2. Economy (The Athens Stock Exchange)

MEGA P100 (2K)  
November 1st 2001, and the new 'streamlined' MEGATEXT front page.

100 Schedule
800 Economy

MEGA P110 (2K)  
Weekly Schedule

MEGATEXT's eight day television guide. Unsurprisingly, only the listings for MEGA Channel itself are broadcast.

MEGA P113 (4K)  
Programmes for Saturday November 3rd 2001

International visitors may recognise the programme at 18:20 'The Weakest Link'.

MEGA P800 (3K)  

A guide to the prices on the Athens Stock Exchange, as well as those abroad, as supplied to MEGATEXT by REUTERS.

MEGA P803 (5K)  

A look at the FTSE20 share prices and their movements.

Not a good day for shareholders of Coca-Cola bottler 3E, or two of the mobile phone companies PANAFON-VODAPHONE and COSMOTE.

All prices are listed in the official Greek currency - the euro.

How MEGATEXT used to look as fuller service.

MEGA P100 and P101 (8K)  
P100 and P101
The front pages prior to 3/3/2001

110 / 120 Television
200 / 150 News
130 / 190 Weather
240 Sports
280 Economy
320 News in English
400 Cinema
450 Theatre
487 Culture
500 Travel Schedules
600 Pharmacies
650 Hospitals
680 Useful Telephone Numbers
700 Internet
800 Athens Stock Exchange

MEGA P100 and P101 (9K)  
In the weeks leading up to the changeover, a prominent notice was displayed in the middle of the front pages - P100 and P101

'From 3/3 all pages with Greek characters'

Originally, the date was set for 1st March 2001, but that changed in the week before

MEGA P100 (3K)  
The MEGATEXT front page after the changes.

110 Television
130 Weather
200 News
240 Sports
400 Cinema
450 Theatre
487 Culture
500 Travel Schedules
600 Pharmacies
650 Hospitals
680 Useful Telephone Numbers
800 Athens Stock Exchange

MEGA P110 and P120 (6K)  
P110 and P120
The Week's Programmes

MEGATEXT's eight day television guide

MEGA P111 and P121 (10K)  
P111 and P121
Programmes for 2nd March 2001

Evening programmes for Friday on MEGA with 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' at 18:40 followed by the main evening news and weather at 19:30, and 'Rendezvous on MEGA' - the station's highlights show - at 20:59

MEGA P200 and P150 (8K)  
P200 and P150
The News

201/151 News Headlines
202/152 National News
210/160 International News

220/170 Newspaper Headlines
221 Newspaper Topics
230 Curiosities

Supplied by the Athens News Agency

MEGA P201 and P151 (12K)  
P201 and P151
National News Headlines

MEGA P240 and P300 (7K)  
P240 and P300

241/171 News Headlines
242/172 News Analysis
250-1/180-1 Football
252-3/182-3 Basketball
254 Volleyball and Polo
255 Championship Polo
256 International Matches
257 NBA
258-263/184-189 Pools and Lotteries
264 Horse Racing
265 Latest News

Supplied by the Athens News Agency

MEGA P189 (3K)  

The results from the latest Joker lottery draw. It looks as though no-one won the jackpot, but the two who matched the five balls walked away with nearly 34 million Drx (approximately €99.768) each!

MEGA P130 and P190 (7K)  
P130 and P190
The Weather

131/191 The Weather in Greece
132/192 Athens and Thessaloniki
133/193 Tomorrow's Weather

134/194 National
135/195 International

MEGA P320 (2K)  
News in English

Until 2nd March 2001 MEGA was good enough to provide an English language news service on MEGATEXT, with brief headlines of national and international news. Sadly but understandably this service is no longer available.

MEGA P321 (3K)  
News Headlines

These were only updated during the week. At the weekends, Friday's news remained throughout.

MEGA P280 (3K)  
The Economy

Athens Stock Exchange
281 General
282 Analysis
283 Price Indicies (General)
800 Price Indicies (Detailed)

285 International Stock Exchanges
286 Cyprus Stock Exchange

287 Exchanges - Main
288 Exchanges - Addtional

290 Economy Press

Supplied by the Athens News Agency

MEGA P800 (9K)  
Athens Stock Exchange

Index to share prices grouped according to category.

MEGA P801 (3K)  
Shipping Companies Share Prices

MEGA P400 (2K)  
Cinema Listings

401 Screenings in Athens City Centre
435 Central Districts
436 Suburbs

437 Screenings in Piraeus
438 Screenings in Thessaloniki

449 New Films

MEGA P450 (2K)  
Theatre Listings

451 Athens
475 Thessaloniki

MEGA P487 (2K)  

488 Music Festival at 'The Megaro'

489 For Today We Recommend...

490 Athens
492 Thessaloniki
493 Heraklion

495 Archaeological Sites

MEGA P500 (2K)  

Coastal Shipping Timetables (Ferries)
501 From Piraeus
502 From Rafina
503 From Lavrio

504 'Flying Dolphins'
510 Olympic Airways
512 Athens Airport

MEGA P510 (4K)  
Olympic Airways Information

Useful Telephone Numbers
Hellenikon Airport (Athens West Terminal)
Arrivals and Departures
East Aiprort (Athens East Terminal)

512 On-Line Flight Information

520 Internal Flights
521 International Flights

511 Olympic Airways Offers

MEGA P600 (2K)  

For Athens, Piraeus and Thessaloniki

MEGA P650 (2K)  

For Athens (both on-duty 24 hours and otherwise), Piraeus and Thessaloniki

MEGA P680 (3K)  
Useful Telephone Numbers

681/5 Police
682/6 Health
683/7 Travel Information
684/8 Miscellaneous

690/1 Radio Taxis

MEGA P700 (2K)  
MEGA on the Internet

MEGA P899 (3K)  
'2000 - Chronia Polla - MEGA'

Broadcast toward the end of 1999 and at the beginning of 2000, this traditional greeting (with what could have been a good rendering of the MEGA logotype) was hidden away on the last page - P899!

Archived September 2002 by Andrew Wood

  Greek TV Idents (C) 1999-2005 Andrew Wood
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This site is not connected in any way to the broadcasters featured on its pages.